Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I don't Want It & Why?

I don't want to rely or trust
my friends so much.
cause I'm afraid that one they'll
leave me..
I don't want that to happen..

The things that I wish to never happen
between my friends
are happening right now..
When I told them about my feelings right now,,
they just stop talking to me..
Yeah.. some of them did talk to me.. but it is
Hi and bye.. that's all..
Why is this happening?
Is it because of me ?

I didn't go recces with them..
did they missed me when I'm not with them?
If they really missed me,, they go to me and
ask me to go and recces with them..
But they didn't do that..
I was really disappointed on them, but I really
expect all of this would happen..

Why is it me ?
who's the one that always take
the first step?
But when I told this to you,,
You said that we should take the first
step to know your friends...
Yeah.. I should do that..and I already done that..
But did you ever done that to me?

The things...

I said it once..
that my friends are changing..
but is it them or me
whose the one that changing right now?

I'm tired of everything..
They don't what I truly felt
And they never ask me
why I behave like that...
Is this what called..
Best friends?

A Teacher ask me,,
what kind of person am I?
I couldn't think of anything besides
that I'm a sensitive girl..
I'm really sensitive when it comes about
my friends..
I told the teacher that..
And she asks me are you having problems with your friends?
And replied her with a yes.
She ask me again Do you have any best friend?
At that time, I was stunned..
I don't know whether I do have a best friend..
Then, the teacher told me that I won't found
my best friend..
Yeah... I won't found who will be my best friend..
but I do have my good listeners that understands me..

Monday, May 13, 2013

My Quotes 06

Why ?? o.0

If he doesn't want to go,, then don't go!!
why must he ask me and my sister to go?
ugh...!! I couldn't say that I hate him,,
but this really made me really want to say it..
he's the one that told us that me and sister
can watch TV every saturday and sunday..
BUT why must he watch it too ?
the channels that I wanted to watch isn't the same as the one
that he wants to watch.. and he still got a plenty of time
to watch it~
so couldn't he just back off for us to enjoy ourselves?

Lose & Gain

If you lose something,,
You'll gain something
that is better than before. =)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

My Quotes 05

Have faith in yourself!!

No one' perfect in this world,
including me and you.

Don't compare yourself with other people.

No matter how powerful you are,
and no matter how weak you are,
we are the same,
a human being.

Don't & Why ?

Don't ask me why am I so sad,
Ask yourself to cheer me up.

I've told you 
I'm lonely 
But why couldn't
you accompany me?

Friday, May 10, 2013

My Quotes 04

My feeling 005

I've said to myself
never cry for those kind of things
I just couldn't help it..
Just by thinking of it,
makes me feel sad...

No matter what,
I'll always remember the good and bad times
we went together
And I wish that you guys 
could do that too...

The things that I do for my friends...

My feelings 004

I'm the only malay girl in the class
ever since I was in this school.
I always pushed myself to do
the things that can make my friends happy
and felt that they need me.

I always feel small inside,
no one understand my true feelings except
for a few person...


It never had been easy...

My Quotes 05

Thursday, May 9, 2013

My feelings 003

I know doing things like is really
an immature thing to do,,
I do these kinds of things
was also 'cause of you,,
so please don't blame me
for being immature.

It's you the one who said we were
supposed to be one,,
but after that ,,
what did you do ??

I even told you about my past that
I didn't even tell my other friends,,
that's b'cause i trust you..
I was hoping that you could do
something,, even though that our past
was almost the same..

I never thought that our relationship
would be like this...

I don't have anything else to say
except for...
I'm sorry...

My Feelings 002

You said that you understand my feeling,,
But,, do you really really really
Understand me ??
Just by me,, didn't join you and so on ??

You know,,
Even if I do accept your apology,,
but that doesn't mean that I still want to
be your best friend...
'Cause I prefer to be
Friends better than Best friend...

I really want to ask you something,,
If you really do understand my feelings,,
You won't and you wouldn't
say that thing!

I really want to know do you really understand my feeling ?

My feelings 001

Hey look,,
I'm sorry to treat all of you like that but,,
I had no choice but to do this to you all.
You guys won'y understand my feelings unless I do it like that.
You guys couldn't understand what I'm feeling inside when I watching
you guys laughing with each other.
And besides,,
it's your fault to do that to me first.

I don't really agree that it's your fault
'Cause I know that I shouldn't behaving like this.

To tell you the truth, I don't like it about you.
You shouldn't do that...

My Quotes 03

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Monday, May 6, 2013

My quotes ^^

We should be grateful and appreciate
What we have and the people who were always besides us
'Cause we don't know when will they'll gone..

No matter what happen,, 
just smile.. =)



In life,
We should be careful
'Cause things will happen anytime
Without any warning..



Things that we expect to happen,
Didn't happen.
But the things that we didn't expect,
It'll happen.


Saturday, May 4, 2013

I'm scared of only one thing,,
When my friends left me alone...

-Please... Don't leave me alone..  =(

When I miss them,,
I always ask myself,,
Do they miss me ?

-11/04/2013(Choir Competition)